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Latest Promotion and News
2021-03-15 | Latest promotion
【Create bank account? You need OneStart!】

【Difficult to open bank account? You need OneStart

Opening bank account is not easy for most of our clients and it takes super long for processing. But now you can rely on us! Call +852 3575 6888 or Whatspps 3575 6888 for bank account service!  (Limited offer)


-OneStart professional team will suggest the most suitable bank for you

-China clients can arrange account through video calls (specific banks and cities)

-Payme account is linkable for specific bank

-Shorten application time for opening bank account


* Special offer is only applicable to specific plan and bounded by terms and conditions. We reserve the rights for final decision.



Hotline :

(852) 3575 6888


China hotline :

86-147-1492 9720


Email :
